Exposure to mould can have serious effects on your health.

At Mould Busters UK our teams are experts at treating and removing mould, contamintes, biotoxins and moisture related outbreaks.

We have over 30 years experience in property maintenance and removing mould is our speciality

Ventilation is a major part of keeping any household free from mould.

Once we have determined best course of action we will offer permanent solutions to your damp / mould problems.


The damp and mould inside the ‘disgusting’ flat where two-year-old boy Awaab Ishak with breathing difficulties had lived before his tragic death

Read the full story here

Mould Survey

If you have Mould or damp in your property then call us to arrange a mould survey. We will give a detailed report on the best course of action and removal costs.

Air Moisture Survey

Mould is likely to occur if the relative humidity indoors is 70% or more for long periods of time. We will analyse your air quality and moisture levels and reccomend the best solutions to your damp problems

Thermal Imaging

A thermal imaging survey can highlight problem areas in your property you would not normally be aware of, allowing us to treat the root cause of the problem so mould does not return.


Mould growth can have substantial effects on the health of people that are exposed to it.

Typical negative effects of mould exposure include it being identified as an asthmagen, a skin and respiratory sensitiser and even a carcinogen.

This makes the treatment and removal of mould a high priority  not only for home owners but for housing associations and landlords as under the new legislation tenants can take landlords to court if the ventilation, damp or mould problems are not rectified.

Mould molecules are tiny and easily inhaled making it critical its not left to grow!

Home Owner or Landlord?

Landlords must now comply with – The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2019.

All properties let (by a private or social landlord) to be fit for human habitation at the commencement of the tenancy and remain so for the duration.
All parts of the building within which the property is situated and which the landlord has an interest.
A property will be unfit for habitation if there are serious defect(s) in any of the below Section 10(1):

Freedom from Damp and or Mould
Internal Arrangement
Natural Lighting
Ventilation – we can advise/design a System
Water Supply
Drainage & Sanitary Conveniences
Facilities for the Preparation &
Cooking of Food and for the disposal of Waste Water

In addition to the list of defects mentioned in Section 10(1) the Act states that ‘any potential hazard’ should be considered.

Any potential hazard means any matter or circumstances amounting to a hazard (for the time being) prescribed in regulations made under Section 2 Housing Act 2004 – the list of 29 HHSRS Hazards.

It will not necessarily mean a catergory 1 or category 2 hazard must be present in order for a property to be deemed

Notice – no requirement in Act. Anticipate common law position.
Expert evidence – expert evidence may not always be necessary.
Pre-action protocol – liekly to be amended.
Claims will be heard in the county court.
Legal aid will be available.
Contact ML Associates Expert Witness – email: mike.lea@ml-associates.com

The World Health Organisation have stated that fragments of dead mould and bacteria may be up to 40 times more hazardous and harmful than
active viable mould growth and have declared that damp or water damaged buildings are an international threat to health.


We are experts at mould removal and have over 30 years experience in this area.

We will assess Ventilation, moisture levels, Dampness and mould growth then agree with you a removal /  treatment strategy.

We provide written expert witness reports under section 11 of the Landlord & Tenant act 1985

Fully qualified members of RICS.

We operate In line with current government guidelines relating to COVID-19 utilising social distancing where necessary and safely cleaning the areas we are working in.